found on booooooom , Ana Cuba's photos are simple and serene, capturing compositions that are minimal, revealing only what is necessary to convey a desired feeling, utilizing the figure exquisitely. i don't usually re post someone i found directly on another blog. but. i had to.

her website
her flickr
we have a couple skate photographers i'd like to share with you now.
RYAN FLYNN is a staff photographer for Skateboarder Magazine. This guy is straight up skate photography, capturing mad moves, style and technique, and the regular ordinary side of skating that anyone who has ridden a board can relate to. The mixture of the completely epic and totally regular make for a nice collection of images.

JONATHAN Mehring is another who shoots for everybody from NIKE SB, Element, Thrasher, to Redbull and Spin. im going to let his images speak for themselves.

his blog will keep you busy for hours as well..

last, BUT surely NOT least. is john bradford. he is what i would call the classic skate photographer. no BS. just skating. lets look.

this b&w print is available to purchase on his website

thats it.
bye for now.
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