one hell of a singer/songwriter
now it was actually when i was searching for content for this post on cass mccombs that i found sahara hotnights.
so now that i introduced you all to them, lets get to what i was really trying to get at, and that is mr. cass mccombs.
i have been a fan of his for quite some time now.
i heard him first in high school, i dont know exactly where or how or when it was but i was hooked.
his eerie, almost haunting voice (especially in "sacred heart") sends me somewhere else. yet as strange as it can be, his voice is also in the same sense very uplifting and joyous. you can tell he cares and can hear the passion in his voice even when singing softly or slowly. the imperfections of the sound add to the genuineness (forever am i using this word correctly?) of the songs.
some may recognize "sacred heart" as the song Jerry Hsu skated to in Enjoi's bag of suck (one of the greatest parts in a skate video ever)
OH and i just realized when i first heard Cass, while searching for Hsu's part i realized that Jason Dill also skates to one of his songs in DVS' skate more.
obviously he is popular with the skateboarding community which makes sense because after first hearing him i found out that my good friend ruben, actually knows him well. (ruben ran with the newbury park skate scene and was a regular at the Taylor household [mikey taylor that is]oh and how good is that song in his part too! ["pounding" by Doves])
here is cass doing the same song below, i dont know which came first, sahara's or cass', i think cass. i dont know though
here is my favorite, sacred heart, amazing video too. that strumming in the begening, ugh! i air guitar to that so hard! and then, aahhh just, it sounds so nice the way the song flows and breaks after that intro, gorgeous gorgeous song.
"i went to the hospital" great lyrics to this one.
i lied about sacred heart being my favorite. this one is also. and what a great performance. LOVE that bass just keepin us going the whole way.
in short. every song is excellent. he has four albums, all excellent, i recommend them all.
dropping the writ
not the way
download them all
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