is a scary fucking place. i think even scarier than outer space. why? because not only is there zero gravity and no oxygen, but there is immense pressure, no light, extreme cold, and species that we are newly discovering and i assume creatures that we have yet to discover. only a fraction of the earths oceans have been explored. this seriously trips me out. what if there is a whole other realm of life on the sea floor, surviving in the dark, oblivious to us as we are oblivious to them? fighting wars and struggling for peace. just a strange thought provoked by this incredible video
first.... please take the time to watch these all. it is worth it.
now i am an avid classical music fan. and as much as i love the true classics which i have posted several times in the past. these pieces might appeal to those who haven't yet warmed up to some of it yet. or who just like metal
this take on JS BACH's toccata and fugue in d minor is absolutely incredible. as much as i love the haunting sound of his organ works. the deep pipes humming at my soul. this version by vanessa mae and the bratislava radio symphony orchesta is quite impressive and upbeat
next up is a group called Apocalyptica.... a quartet of cellos from norway i believe?? not positive on that but i do know they are from the area where black metal rules all. they do covers of metallica songs and are just exquisite. no more words just listen
and my personal favorite .. not metallica but a real classic... "hall of the mountain king" this is epic seeing this gigantic crowd rocking to cellos! ugh.
the original is pretty badass itself as well.
and all of this got me in the mood for metal sooooooo.....
start this one at 2:07
and now back to the start.... my theory has been proven by these.... you cannot deny the uncanny resemblance of these riffs and solos to the works of good ol BACH
ink- incredibly interesting trailer to what seems to be an incredibly interesting dark fantasy. i honestly don't really know what to make of it yet. i really dont. more info
wood mirror this marvelous video shows this piece which uses a tiny camera in the center of the "mirror" to simplify the image into just a few hundred pixels of greyscale value. the results are stunning. a wonderful blend of the technological and the natural. mirrors, which i consider a strange mix between one of the simplest forms of technology yet at the same time extremely natural, just bouncing light. and the wood which most read as incredibly natural, do something very mechanical, becoming pixels themselves. anyways watch and see.
MORE from me now . .. ........................... ................... ...... ... .. ... .... .......................... .... ......... ..... .............. ...... .................................................................................. ....... ........ ....... ..... .. .................... ........ ............ Zach Johnsen : incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly impressive illustration and sketch work
............................................................................... Allison Schulnik : some more very impressive paintings from this woman. the will be featured by the Mark Moore Gallery (bergamont station in Santa Monica) in the annual PULSE New York Contemporary Art Fair. She will have a booth of new works. I love the liberal use of paint and texture. reminds me of a classmate of mine actually. i am a sucker for texture and color. and this work is top notch and currently in their bergamont gallery is dimitri kozyrev other end of the spectrum here. nice smooth geometric patterns, which again i love
now for some photogs
JODY ROGAC has been a favorite of mine for quite some time. i love his portraits and especially the medium format polaroids. this post is about sucking and i am also a sucker for film as we all know. i think what seems to be a trend is a return to film, and well images that seem to resemble those of old snapshot cameras or even disposables. they reflect a sense of spontaneity and naturalness that any viewer can relate to. they can imagine themselves in the setting, or if not wish they were in that setting. they see that it is real. real. real. the images are personal and honest. the differnce between maybe these guys and the viewer though is an uncanny nack for color and composition. composition plus interesting subject matter = great image. duh right? but i think some people forget the basics. lest not forget these when trying to take our own interesting party or spontaneous 'real' shots. anywho. ... next up: Stefan Simikich
now this man... has one of the most impressive portfolios i have seen in quite some time. B&W and color. top knotch. reminds me of McGinley if he went dark instead of happy. really beautiful images. check out as well.... i guess you'd call it a satirical blog making fun of the "party bloggers". great for some laughs. but ever since he dropped the digi and picked up some film... his shots have been improving and turning out quite nice. just a blogger shouting out to another blogger. no homo.
i think thats all for now..
.. i will be scanning my sketchbook soon as well as many many many many slides. if any person out there in this world knows about scanning slides. any help would well.... help.
Happy Birthday shout out to my old roommate Bell Hoy. You're a crazy motherfucker, and you hated destruction.... but you're an avid supporter of LAFS so here ya go. many more man. ihsv
Here is the work of this photographer I just discovered named Guy Aroch. He's got a great range and a fantastic eye. I love this first image with the skate boarders and the girl (it's set in Paris). Check him out..
Either my dear friend is in a very strange mood or someone has hacked into his account.... Not really sure which is more likely. Either way I thought I'd pay tribute to the late Kurt Cobain. It was the 15th anniversary of his suicide on Friday, February 20th. Kurt is a rocknroll icon whose influence on music is truly too great for me to express here. I first got into Nirvana in high school (my dear mother of all people gave me their greatest hits CD). Soon I was listening to the CD... yes CD... on my walkman...yes walkman... on the way too and from school every day. Not too long after that I had every Nirvana song in existence and had read a Cobain biography called Heavier Than Heaven which I highly recommend. Here's to the scruffy white knight of the grunge movement... We miss you man.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
i love you, im going to blow up your school .
Friday, February 20, 2009
New Young Pony Club - Get Lucky (The Twelves Remix) + Radiohead - There There (The Twelves Remix)
the only thing id change about this idealized cross plan house "roman basilica?"based on the Justice albume cover might be the outrageously dangerous location just classic GENESIS † HOUSE from PLANDA on Vimeo.
Vimeo. "The secret lives of invisible magnetic fields are revealed as chaotic ever-changing geometries . All action takes place around NASA's Space Sciences Laboratories, UC Berkeley, to recordings of space scientists describing their discoveries . Actual VLF audio recordings control the evolution of the fields as they delve into our inaudible surroundings, revealing recurrent ‘whistlers' produced by fleeting electrons . Are we observing a series of scientific experiments, the universe in flux, or a documentary of a fictional world?"