(a collection of things i fall in love with on a daily basis)

Monday, February 25, 2008

this is hilarious

Stuff White People Like

i guess i am a little obsessed with classical music right now

i didnt even mean to be doing this but i am. 

anyways. its been a horrific past couple of days. i dont think it will last much longer at all tho. again i can say i cannot wait for the weekend again. 

listen to Ludwig Van Beethoven on Pandora, it helps a lot. i promise. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008

watch all of these...
really try and put urself there. imagine you are in the front row.
turn up your speakers all the way. it is really amazing. takes you
someplace else for a lil bit. oh yeah make it full screen too. even tho its not that clear.

part one

part two

part three

part four


yeah i think i am one.
i also think im dying. its ok tho.
because im not.
BEACUSE im a hypochondriac.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


a few things everyone should check out...

1- World Press Photos of The Year
some really excellent work in there. browse it all. makes me want to travel. amazing photos that really open your eyes to things i didn't even know were going on in the world.

2- Jose Parla
amazing painter. again just really good work check out his stuff. unfortunately his next showing is in italy where i wont be for 2 months. but yeah. so good.

3- in rainbows (REMIXED)
yes i know this just came out. i was not really sure about it either. and, like everything else, is SO good, SOO good. just listen for yourself.
a real work of art


The Diving Bell and The Butterfly is one of the greatest movies I have seen in quite some time.

Exquisite in every second. Every word, every inch of scenery, every note of music, perfect. A really beautiful film. Go see it immediately. Take my word for it. It is really excellent.

today. well. was. near. perfect. as. well. p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.p.e.r.f.e.c.t.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


American Psycho - b r e t e a s t o n e l l i s

"Oh Jesus, forget it," I scream. "Now listen to me: is Paul Owen still handling the Fisher account?"
Carruthers looks over at him and then back at me. "Yeah, I guess. I heard Ashley has chlamydia."
"I'm going to talk to him," I shout, getting up, taking the empty seat next to Owen.
But when I sit down something strange on the stage caches my eye. Bono has now moved across the stage, following me to my seat, and he;s staring into my eyes, kneeling at the edge of the stage, wearing black jeans (maybe Gitano), sandals, a leather vest with no shirt beneath it. His body is white, covered with sweat, and it's not worked out enough, there's no muscle tone and what definition there might be is covered beneath a paltry amount of chest hair. He has a cowboy hat on and his hair is pulled back into a ponytail and he's moaning some dirge - I catch the lyric "A hero is an insect in this world" - and he has a faint, barely noticeable but nonetheless intense smirk on his face and it grows, spreading across it confidently and while his eyes blaze, the backdrop of the stage turns red and suddenly I get this tremendous surge of feeling, this rush of knowledge, and I can see into Bono's heart and my own beats faster because of this and I realize that I'm receiving a message of some kind from the singer. It hits me that we have something in common, that we share a bond, and it's not impossible to believe that an invisible cord attached to Bono has now encircled me and now the audience disappears and the music slows down, gets softer, and it's just Bono onstage - the stadium's deserted, the band fades away - and the message, his message, once vague, now gets more powerful and he's nodding at me and I'm nodding back, everything getting clearer, my body alive and burning, on fire, and from nowhere a flash of white and blinding light envelopes me and I hear it, can actually feel, can even make out the letters of the message hovering above Bono's head in orange wavy letters: "I . . . am . . . the . . . devil . . . and I am . . . just . . . like . . . you . . ."

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Andrò lo studio in firenze quest'estate!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Partial of Phase ONE

taken with phone

oh yeah watch that shit just under this! soooooooo GOOD!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Solar from flight404 on Vimeo.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008




i feel great. its been an excellent 24 hrs. oh man. film coming soon.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


there was a revolution down the little hallway last night.
it will make it easier in the future to accomplish such things here now
i get excited at this thought

polished my bike up all nice and am leaving in 2 minutes for this.

shooting film today, and this evening. i am really excited about this cus i went and got some good stuff. porta 800 and provia 100. these flics wont be up for a while but they will be delicious when they do arive