its raining today. first time all year. and god we needed it. although it ruins my long ride plans it creates others which will end up being quite nice. another weekend another set of photos... murakami will be coming later today..... more to come but for now check this shit out.. amaaazing stuff Michael Stevenson oh yah this is tmrw ...
well it has been a very long week of being unproductive and doing a whole lot of nothing. the nothingness has seemed to wipe me out a bit though.
there are a few museums iv been wanting to hit up and i finally knocked one off of the list.
-on Saturday while Malibu decided to catch on fire again i decided i'd go see Weston at The Getty and also discovered Delahaye there as well as some other amazing art. this place is so massive, its like my 5th time there and every time is different. here are some flics.
LA panorama attempted with camera phone 2 ladies getty some gnarly video that tripped us the fuck out! those are 2 people and they would move and adjust their positions soooo slow that you sometimes couldn't tell if you were making it up or they were actually moving typography at its insane finest thats stone work insane shit... soo good. Luc Delahaye
yeah this is a long one. but fuck you ok. i blacked out my bike as well this week. new seat. black grips. but im not sure how i like it. well. i lied. i love it. i just want a different seat my old white one was comfortable as fuck but now it is just bad ass.
the holiday season is at hand. im loving it. well so far. at least the amazing weather. i hear there will be santa anas and that blows. except it might not because ill be surfing most likely. and everyone knows there has been perfect waves on thanksgiving for 5 years in a row now. so well see how that goes. ill have pictures and just shit up from the upcoming week because it shall be a long one. here are the highlights of the last like what 2 days .
hows that aluminum green fork on that orange bike. lane said he broke the original . he thinks it looks sick i dont know its pretty ugly to me but matches my shoes so i mean yeah..